Automotive Cluster Bulgaria, Burgas Municipality and Industrial and Logistics Park Burgas signed a Memorandum of Cooperation


A tripartite Memorandum was signed on June 30, 2017 in the building of the Municipality of Burgas between the mayor of the city Mr. Dimitar Nikolov, the Executive Director of Industrial Park Burgas Mr. Stamen Stamov and arch. Lyubomir Stanislavov, Executive Director of Automotive Cluster Bulgaria. The meeting was also attended by Mrs. Zlatina Georgieva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Park.

The Memorandum aims to promote the region and its industrial areas as an opportunity for investment in the automotive industry. The parties concerned will direct their efforts to attract local and foreign investors, to adopt modern technologies for design and construction of industrial sites, infrastructure projects and development of the industrial zone in order to accomplish more and larger projects and business opportunities.

“We will strive to achieve these goals by helping investors to develop production, meeting the latest world standards, on the territory of the industrial zones in the municipality of Burgas “, Mr. Stamov from Burgas Industrial Park added.

The director of Automotive Cluster Bulgaria arch. Stanislavov made a commitment to the mayor for full cooperation, which would create prerequisites for establishing a solid positive practice for the development of the industrial zones on the territory of the Municipality of Burgas.