“Broad Arrow Auctions Unveils Extensive Petroliana Collection with Over 200 Memorabilia Pieces, No Reserve”

  • Online auction showcases exceptional private collection of petroliana and memorabilia
  • No reserve on all lots
  • A beautifully restored 1963 Bedford CA Dormobile, featured on TV’s Wheeler Dealers, is up for grabs
  • The online auction runs from July 14-28
  • View over 200 Petroliana lots here

London, England, June 24th, 2024 – Broad Arrow Auctions, a Hagerty company, proudly presents an extraordinary collection of over 200 pieces of petroliana and memorabilia. This unique assortment has been meticulously curated by a passionate collector and will be offered without reserve.

The online Petroliana auction will take place from July 14th-28th, featuring more than 200 lots. Highlights include rare pre-war petrol pumps and a period-correctly restored 1963 Bedford CA Dormobile by TV’s Wheeler Dealers.

Matt Coles, Petroliana and Memorabilia Specialist at Broad Arrow Auctions, shares some personal favorites ahead of the sale.

Lot #236 | 1963 Bedford CA Dormobile Romany Caravan – as seen on TV’s Wheeler Dealers

This charming camper underwent a comprehensive overhaul in 2022 by Wheeler Dealers. Documented fully on the show,
it now features a powerful new engine, automatic transmission, two-tone paintwork,
retrimmed seats with new cabinets inside along with stainless-steel sink,
and replaced roof canopy.

Estimated at £20,000 – £30,000; no reserve

Lot#108| Large Michelin Man Figurine ‘ Le Pneu Michelin’

Bibendum was introduced at the Lyon Exhibition in1894by the Michel brothers.This1.2metre tall figurine is one of the world’s oldest trademarks still active today.It remains in excellent condition,making it perfect for any automotive art enthusiast.
< em >< u >Estimatedat£2000-£3000,noreserve em > p >

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These delightful Esso figurines stand1.2metres talland are offered separately.The popular Oil DropMan character,named Happy,debuted as promotional figureforEssoin1958,often accompaniedbythe sloganHappyMotoring.Bothfiguresarehighlycollectible.< br />< em >< u >Bothlotsestimatedat£1700–2500each,noreserve em > p >

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“https:/ broad arrow auctions com parts ms24194 atlantic motor spirit gas pump”
Thisbeautifuldual-cylinderhand-crankpetrolpumpdesignedbyGilbert&Barkerhasbeenfullyrestored.CharlesGilbertandJohnBarkerformedthecompanyin1870,andintroducedfirstmeasuringgasolinepumpin1911.Astunningdisplaypiecefromaglamorousautomotiveage.< br />< em >< u >Estimatedat£800012000noreserve em > p >


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