Gavin McAlpine Makes History with First Use of Synthetic Fuel in Hagerty Radical Cup UK


Oulton Park, UK (24th June 2024) – Radical racer Gavin McAlpine made history at the Hagerty Radical Cup UK by becoming the first driver to use synthetic fuel in the Championship. The green ‘number 17’ car completed the race at Oulton Park Circuit using Coryton’s “drop-in” SUSTAIN Super 80 fuel without any modifications to his SR3 XXR.

With support from RAW Motorsports, McAlpine and his Radical SR3 XXR competed in front of over 20,000 spectators during the third round of this single-make Championship, utilizing sustainable fuel developed by bespoke specialist Coryton.

SUSTAIN fuels are primarily derived from second-generation biofuels made from agricultural waste like straw and crop by-products. This process recycles existing atmospheric carbon absorbed by plants as they grow, unlike fossil fuels which release additional CO2.

Gavin McAlpine commented on his choice of sustainable fuel:
“I have been exploring sustainable fuels for some years now. Two passions in my life are the natural world and automotive world. Technological advancements can solve many environmental issues; indulging one passion while contributing to a low-carbon future is significant for me personally, for racing, and transportation’s future.”

McAlpine’s dedication to renewable energy has led him to become Chairman of RES (Renewable Energy Systems), employing 5,000 people across 24 countries developing large-scale renewable projects globally.

Radical Motorsport’s Global Head of Marketing Jon Roach added:
“The progress in sustainable fuel is an exciting development for motorsport. It offers an alternative that older cars can use without modifications or performance loss. Seeing a Radical on grid with such technology is a small but crucial step forward.”

Before race weekend, engineers at Radical’s Peterborough factory extensively tested SUSTAIN Super 80 fuel ensuring no calibration was needed at trackside and confirming it provided no competitive advantage or disadvantage compared to championship-regulated fuels.

< pstyle = ” text – align:left;” > SUSTAIN Super
80 is a “drop-in”fuel mixable with traditional petrols requiring no vehicle modifications.It undergoes molecular restructuring making it identical to fossil petrol but sourced biologically.With less than1 % ethanol content,it avoids corrosion issues common with higher ethanol blends.The blend comprises80 % renewable materials delivering minimum65 % greenhouse gas savings comparedto traditional fossil fuels considering productionand transport carbon costs.< / p >

pstyle = ” text – align:left;” > David Richardson,
New Business DirectoratCoryton said :< br / > “ We ’ re delightedto celebrate this sustainability milestoneforHagertyRadicalCupUKand workwithGavinandhis team tomakeithappen.Events likethis showcasethe powerof sustainablefuels,preservingmotorsport sightsandsoundswithoutrelyingonfossilfuelforICEengines.Everynewmilestonetakesusclosertoacleanerfuture,andwehopeitinspiresmoreindustryexplorationoftheavailabletechnology.” p >

pstyle = ” text – align:left;” >< strong > AboutRadicalMotorsport :< br / > strong >
Oneoftheworld ’ smostprolificracecarmanufacturersproducingnearly3 ,000carsin25 +years.Radicaloffersarace-bredthrill-a-minuteexperienceonthetrackwithlightweightconstruction,aerodynamicdownforce,and superbike-derivedtechnology.Modelsincludeentry-levelSR1XXR,best-sellingSR3XXRandturbo-chargedSR10XXR.Allmodelsaredesigned,built,andengineeredatCambridgeshireheadquarters.Aglobaldealernetworkspanningover20countriescontinuesgrowingwith12single-makechampionshipsincludingfactory-supportedRadicalCupUKandNorthAmerica.< / p >

pstyle = ” text – align:left;” > P >

PStyle = ” Text-Align : Left ;” >< Strong > About Sustain :< Br /> Sustain Was Launched By Coryton In2021 As Part Of Its Mission To Create A Cleaner Future . The Brand Focuses On Developing Responsible And Sustainable Fuels That Contribute Towards Net Zero Impact Without Compromising Performance Or Engine Protection . From Biofuels To E-Fuels , Sustain Uses Latest Sustainable Technologies As They Mature . Through Products Like Sustain Racing And Classic , It Has Celebrated Milestones In Motoring Industry Planning Continued Success Long Into Future . Visit