“London EV Show 2024: Premier Event to Showcase Cutting-Edge Technologies and High-Performance Models at ExCeL London”


LONDON – 24 June 2024: The London EV Show, the UK’s premier electric vehicle event, is back for its fourth edition. Scheduled at ExCeL London from November 26-28, 2024, this year’s show aims to be more expansive and impactful than ever before. Building on previous successes, #levs24 expects over 15,000 attendees, more than 350 exhibitors, upwards of 180 speakers and around 70 media partners globally.

“The response to LEVS 2023 was beyond our expectations,” said Shariq Abdulhai, CEO of the London EV Show. “As we gear up for the fourth edition, we’re set to enhance every aspect by uniting a diverse cross-section of the EV industry.”

Highlights from the Third Edition:

  • EV Enthusiasts Converge: Over 7,300 business visitors across the entire EV value chain showcased immense enthusiasm towards electric vehicle adoption.
  • Supportive Policy: Groundbreaking initiatives were unveiled by London’s Deputy Mayor for Transport highlighting ambitious plans for EV infrastructure.
  • Cutting Edge Exhibition: Featuring brands like Tesla and Ford among others; #levs23 hosted over 220 exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge innovations in the EV sector. Full list of Exhibitors
  • Experts On Stage: More than 150 speakers including key figures such as Seb Dance (Deputy Mayor for Transport) shared groundbreaking insights and made significant announcements. Full list of Speakers
  • Media Highlights:The event featured coverage from renowned publications like BBC and Forbes with participation from over120 journalists.Full list of Media Partners
  • #LEVS23 Launchpad For Innovation: Significant product launches included Exicom’s UK market entry and Lotus’ new charge solutions.
    EKOENERGETYKA’s Axoneasy400 debut was also a highlight.
  • < Strong > Global Attendance :< / Strong > With participation from more than
    4000 companies ,the growthof
    theEVindustrywaspalapableonthefloor . ListofParticipatingCompanies .
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    Withanexceptionaltrackrecordofthepastedition,thisyear ‘ sLondonEVshowwillexceedallexpectationsbyconveningtheentiretyoftheEVindustry.Fromhostingbrilliantmindsatatopnotchconference,toshowcasinglatestinnovationsfromtopevplayers,# levs24issettosetanewbenchmarkintheglobalEVindustry.Theeventpromisestobebiggerandmoreinfluentialthaneverbeforefeaturingtestdrivetracks,

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