About the project
Danube regions and cities face major societal transitions regarding demographic change. The rural exodus is caused by better employment opportunities for the youth and the prospect of a better life
in cities. The movement of labor leads to depopulated areas leaving an aging and increasingly unskilled population behind. With the support of GoDanuBio activities the Danube regions can make a significant transformation. Co-creating ongoing and future strategies to increase the attractiveness of rural areas will be the key to give the youth new incentives for a rural renaissance.
The project partners will join forces:
- To identify the local actors, establish cross-sectoral collaborations and prove the benefits of the “bioeconomisation” of the regional excellence, demonstrating the economic and societal values of the biobased ecosystems;
- To reveal the rural-urban, cross-regional and transnational opportunities for cooperation to put the circular bioeconomy in practice throughout the Danube macro-region;
- To develop an ecosystem for systematic multi-level governance with actors from the regional policy level, industry, academia and civil organisations. This approach aims at leveraging the institutional capacity of the participating regions and support transformative processes to tackle demographic change and brain drain.
The wide consortium includes 19 project partners and 6 associated partners from 10 countries (AT, BG, CZ, DE, HR, HU, RO, SI, SK, RS) of the Danube macro-region. Nearly 70% of the participants are Clusters, Cluster associations and/or Business support organisations. The local authorities are represented through 3 partners and in a major degree by 6 Associated Strategic Partners.
More information about the project can be found here.