used for projects that have been finished

European Automotive Cluster Network for Joint Industrial Modernisation Investments

About the project The European Automotive Cluster Network for joint Industrial Modernisation Investments (EACN) aims at initiating joint R&D projects and investments teaming partners from different European regions. The focus is set on virtualisation of processes, robotics and artificial intelligence, elasticity of production, and skills and competencies.   Physical and virtual workshops and matchmaking events will allow building a pipeline of joint collaboration and innovation projects which are realized with the support of the EACN clusters and companies, technology centres or science parks with complementary skills. Five selected projects will benefit from a financial co-contribution for an external expert support to shape their joint project or business proposal to viable and bankable documents. EACN also promotes interregional collaboration between the concerned Regional Authorities in the field of industrial modernisation in the automotive industry, secure the long-term cooperation of the engaged clusters through a common European EACN partnership strategy, and prepare EACN to the  future with more member clusters. EACN contributes to EC’s policies (e.g. ‘For a European Industrial Renaissance’, ‘ Investing in a smart, innovative and sutstainable industry’ and others) and to the S3 platform’s thematic areas ‘Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing’ or ‘SME integration to Industry 4.0’.

Participative Ecosystems for fostering the revitalization of rural-urban cooperation through governing Danube Circular Bioeconomy(GoDanuBio)

About the project Danube regions and cities face major societal transitions regarding demographic change. The rural exodus is caused by better employment opportunities for the youth and the prospect of a better lifein cities. The movement of labor leads to depopulated areas leaving an aging and increasingly unskilled population behind. With the support of GoDanuBio activities the Danube regions can make a significant transformation. Co-creating ongoing and future strategies to increase the attractiveness of rural areas will be the key to give the youth new incentives for a rural renaissance. The project partners will join forces: To identify the local actors, establish cross-sectoral collaborations and prove the benefits of the “bioeconomisation” of the regional excellence, demonstrating the economic and societal values of the biobased ecosystems; To reveal the rural-urban, cross-regional and transnational opportunities for cooperation to put the circular bioeconomy in practice throughout the Danube macro-region; To develop an ecosystem for systematic multi-level governance with actors from the regional policy level, industry, academia and civil organisations. This approach aims at leveraging the institutional capacity of the participating regions and support transformative processes to tackle demographic change and brain drain. The wide consortium includes 19 project partners and 6 associated partners from 10 countries (AT, BG, CZ, DE, HR, HU, RO, SI, SK, RS) of the Danube macro-region. Nearly 70% of the participants are Clusters, Cluster associations and/or Business support organisations. The local authorities are represented through 3 partners and in a major degree by 6 Associated Strategic Partners. More information about the project can be found here.

Green Ict deVElopment (GIVE)

About the project GIVE project is based on cross-clusters, cross-border, and cross-regional collaboration with the purpose of building cross-sectoral strategic partnerships and internationalization opportunities in the green smart technologies, automotive and ITC sectors. Green Ict deVElopment (GIVE) is a European Strategic Cluster Partnership in the field of smart green technologies. The general objective of the partnership is to build up strong collaboration and to support cluster development as a tools to SME internationalization and market access. GIVE ESCP consist of 8 partners from 6 European countries – 5 ICT Clusters – ICT Cluster Bulgaria, Albanian Information and Technology Association, Cluj IT Cluster, Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technologies – Skopje, ICT Cluster Central Serbia, 2 Automotive Clusters – Automotive Cluster Bulgaria and Automotive Cluster Serbia and 1 Green Technology Cluster from Latvia. The partnership development is coordinated by ICT Cluster Bulgaria and financially supported by COSME programme of the EC. The project preparation was supported by REG USAID Project. More information about the project can be found here.