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These observers speak of a "savings glut" among America's trading partners. Understanding a Current Account Deficit . Thus, the impact will be relatively the same; namely, the current account deficit causes depreciation of the domestic currency, while the current account surplus . But how can China effectively reduce its current-account surplus? For example, it may indicate the country is relying too heavily on exports and consumer spending is relatively too low. In order to reduce its current-account deficit, the United States must do which of the following? A current account surplus implies a higher inflow of forex than outflow.. Balance of Payments Surplus and Deficit - What is Balance ... A large current account deficit is often a sign of an unbalanced economy. Germany's sustained current-account surplus is not only bad for others in Europe and beyond—it is bad for almost all Germans too. The deficit or surplus terminology arises from the following circumstances. change the value of the deficit country's exchange rate. The U.S. Trade Deficit: How Much Does It Matter? | Council ... #1. This figure represents the flow of goods, services and investments into and out of the U.S. For the first quarter of 2021, that number came in at $74.4 billion, reflecting the continuing impact of the global pandemic. 23.4 The National Saving and Investment Identity ... The sharpest rise in current account surplus occurred after 2004. undertake both of the activities identified in choices A and B. dig a big hole and bury the reserves. PDF Policies for Reducing the Current-Account Deficit 8.3% of GDP (measured in Euro, 8.5% in US-dollar). He explains how Germany's current account surplus is the largest in the world. a) increase. In 2008, external demand was severely cut by the global crisis. supply-side policies to increase competitiveness.. Chapter 5 However, Korea's current account surplus in 2015 amounted to 7.7% of GDP, causing a concern that it may . The current account deficit is on account of net import of services. But option b is also signalling towards foreigners must increase investment. A country with a current account surplus will have a deficit on the financial/capital account. 1. The two numbers do not match exactly, since in the real world, private savings and investment did not remain fixed. Current Account Deficit meaning: Current Account Deficit or CAD is the shortfall between the money flowing in on exports, and the money flowing out on imports. Current account surplus likely - INSIGHTSIAS PDF (Why) Should Current Account Balances Be Reduced? by ... Germany's high and rising surplus In 2016 Germanys current account surplus (AS) is the highest on the globe, viz. The capital account surplus is on account of large amount of external assistance received on bilateral basis. Many economists believe that the most effective way to reduce the current-account deficit is by reducing domestic spending or "absorp- tion" relative to income by increasing the national saving rate. In terms of the absolute value of the surplus, number 2 and 3 are China and Japan, 11. Managing a modest level of current account surpluses has also been beneficial for the economy in preventing future crises. PDF Policy options against macroeconomic imbalances within the ... The current account surpluses just after the crisis were extremely helpful for the economy to recover from the crisis. The IMF said boosting productivity growth and investment would raise Germany's long-term growth potential and reduce its "persistently large current account surplus" - the broadest measure . The current account balance collapsed from a surplus of $5 billion in 1981 to a deficit of $147 billion in 1986—an increase in the supply of financial capital from abroad of $152 billion. domestic investment, or cut its government bud- get deficit. d) the current account must run a surplus. 4 The best way to reduce a deficit on the current account of the balance of payments is to. India's current account deficit narrowed to USD 1.7 billion or 0.2 per cent of the GDP in the December quarter as against USD 2.6 billion or 0.4 per cent of GDP in the year-ago period, according . Current account deficits or surpluses can be either good or bad signals in the medium term; the key is what is driving them. It can place restrictions on imports, such . There are several points at issue—including what a current account deficit or surplus really means and the many ways that a current account balance is measured. It is interesting to note that both Countries with deficits are the opposite: they import capital from . Surplus reversals were not associated with lower growth in output or employment. The government is always attempting to introduce measures in order to reduce the balance of payments deficit in order to have a balance of payments surplus where exports are greater than imports. The surplus may be seen as sign of economic health and international competitiveness. In this context, if supply-side policies successfully reduce costs and inflation, macroeconomic policy can sufficiently stimulate growth. Japan's current account surplus dropped to 1.4% of GDP in 1990, but as the bubble burst and economic growth slowed, the ratio of current account surplus to GDP rose once again and averaged 2.4% during the 1990s. Accordingly, these economists maintain that accelerated growth among those trading partners is the most desirable way to correct the imbalances. During the second half of the 1980s, China maintained persistent trade and current account deficits (see Chart 1). The main change in its international trade position arose from it joining the World Trade Organisation. Current Account Surplus. This is rather convenient, given that public investment also happens to be both popular and sorely needed. 19. Higher government spending on e.g. Hence, any current account shortfall or deficit must be financed by a capital account surplus, i.e, a net capital inflow: current account + capital account = 0 . Current Account Capital Account; Let's understand about these 2 accounts in detail and analyse what happens in case of deficit or surplus in any of the accounts. Answer (1 of 4): In general, an increase in the current account deficit will lead to a depreciation of the exchange rate. As the debate over whether China should reduce its current-account surplus continues, this column examines 28 such surplus reversals in advanced and emerging market economies over the past 50 years. That leaves the determ. Let's see how that works: By definition, in a floating-rate regime, the government refrains from intervening in the determination of the exchange rate. The increase in the current account deficit account, just as in the 1980s, was accompanied by an almost equal increase in the deficit in goods. Global current account balances are set to widen even further in 2021 but this trend is not expected to last. Furthermore, in the economics book, these conclusions are generalized to the current account. Since 2003, the Chinese government has been trying to narrow external surpluses through measures such as modest appreciation of the currency and reductions of export tax rebates. Up to 4 marks. The U.S. current account deficit was $180.4 billion at the end of the fourth quarter in 2020. The current account balance, though usually described in terms of . Since current account deficits put economies in a dangerous debt situation, surplus countries should reduce their capi-tal exports. nicating tubes, and the current accounts of all national economies balance each other out. What is the issue? Currently China has the world's largest current account surplus whilst the US has the world's largest current account deficit. Singapore runs a 20% of GDP current account surplus. c) stay the same. A The current account deficit decreased between 2001 and 2006 B The current account surplus increased between 2001 and 2006 C There was a current account deficit for the entire period shown D There was a current account surplus for the entire period shown (Total for Question 3 = 5 marks) However, a large current account surplus may indicate an unbalanced economy. A a cut in income tax rates . Changes in the consumption and production affect China's and the US's current account positions on their balance of payments. state benefits (1) will increase disposable income (1) some of this might be spent on imports (1). Syllabus: Explain the methods that a government can use to correct a persistent current account deficit, including. 29 Which policy measure is an expenditure-switching measure designed to reduce a current account surplus? c) the current account must run a deficit. The appropriate expenditure-switching policy to correct a current account deficit is: a. A surplus is not a good thing always, then? Thus, an expansion of public investment would automatically reduce the current-account surplus. Answers to these questions are needed to inform the design of "rules of the game" that countries should abide by, and address the G-20's request to the Why should Germany reduce its current-account surplus? How to Reduce Germany's Surplus. Countries with current account surpluses do not generally face the same pressure to correct the imbalance. Moreover, there are better balances between external and domestic demand and between growth in the However, its composition has changed significantly. measures may influence the size of its current account surplus. However, in the current situation, an improvement in our current account is coming from lower levels of imports which coincides with muted domestic demand. (a) Define deregulation. The country's current account deficit, in the last fiscal year, clocked in at $12.75bn, down 36 per cent from record-high $19.9bn in FY18. reduce a surplus on the current account of the country's balance of payments. A current account surplus will tend to boost domestic employment if: It is due to an improvement in competitiveness, leading to higher demand for exports. India has suffered Current Account Deficit for too long. A deficit on the current account increases foreign liabilities. [2] (b) Explain two benefits consumers may gain from a market economic system. Unfortunately, the current-account surplus rose steadily from 2.8% of GDP in 2003 to 10.8% in 2007 . B a depreciation of the exchange rate . If foreign investment will increase it would result in cap a/c surplus i.e current a/c deficit. What is Balance of Payments Surplus? i.e. 1. The Japanese current account surplus can best be attributed to a) the high rate of Japanese domestic investment b) Japanese protectionism c) the high rate of Japanese savings d) the government budget surplus. Therefore, in the currency market there will be an outward shift of supply. This is particularly a problem in the Eurozone where the exchange rates are permanently fixed. The current account deficit or surplus is always measured in terms of as a percentage of GDP. Since 2003, the Chinese government has been trying to narrow external surpluses through measures such as modest appreciation of the currency and reductions of export tax rebates. a) reduce the federal budget . A country can reduce its existing debt by increasing the value of its exports relative to the value of imports. In order to do this, the government agreed to move towards free trade. Currency revaluation b. Accordingly, these economists maintain that accelerated growth among those trading partners is the most desirable way to correct the imbalances. Japan's current account surplus dropped to 1.4% of GDP in 1990, but as the bubble burst and economic growth slowed, the ratio of current account surplus to GDP rose once again and averaged 2.4% during the 1990s. It could be a sign of structural weakness and an uncompetitive manufacturing sector. To reduce a current account deficit, a country must increase its private saving, reduce. Surplus (CAs) or even near balance on Current Account. With all the strategies and even liberalisation of Indian economy, we have not been able to convert the CAD into a Current A/c. reduce its current account deficit or surplus? The country tries to have a lower ratio and the investors in a country always keep a track of this number. to have a surplus on the current account of its balance of payments. Policies to correct a balance of payments disequilibrium. If this account indicates an addition to official reserves over some period, then the country is running a balance of payments surplus. b) 2 and 3. c) 1 and 2. d) 1 and . This requires political action, as there are no automatic mechanisms to help reduce current account surpluses. This condition said that, for a devaluation to be successful in terms of a reduced current account deficit, the sum of the elasticity of demand for UK exports and the elasticity of demand in the UK for imports must be greater than one. And second, why might the international community ask for more? The latest IMF staff forecasts indicate that global current account balances will narrow in the coming years, as China's surplus and the US' deficit falls, reaching 2.5 percent of world GDP by 2026. Current Account Deficit. A surplus arises when a country's value of exports of goods and services and receipt of factor incomes and current transfers from abroad exceed what it pays for imports of goods and services and payments of factor The current-account balance is equal to the negative of the financial-account balance, which is the balance on foreign investment flows. Unfortunately, the current-account surplus rose steadily from 2.8% of GDP in 2003 to 10.8% in 2007 . Yet many worry that the current account deficit, which is nearing one trillion dollars, or 7 percent of GDP, is unsustainable. It should also seek to reduce imports of basic necessities, such as oil and food, by boosting that ability at home. These observers speak of a "savings glut" among America's trading partners. june 2013, p2.3, 4a. [4] Up to 5 marks for why it might: Higher government spending may go on imports (1) e.g. More recently Japan's current surplus has averaged 3.3% of GDP since 2000. A country with a current account surplus has more value flowing into it. If all parties involved could reach this basic understanding, that alone . 5 expenditure reducing policies and . The reason, the trade balance usually covers a substantial portion of the current account. It is believed that a current account deficit should be a worry to an economy. Current Account Deficit (or Surplus . A higher ratio is considered to be adverse for the country. Thus, if a country runs a current-account deficit, it also runs a financial-account surplus of equal magnitude, which means that the net inflow of foreign investment equals the current-account deficit. If Korea's current exchange rate is undervalued 4 to 12 percent less than the level consistent with fundamentals, it is impossible to reduce Korea's current account surplus to a reasonable level by adjusting the exchange rate alone. They should improve domestic productivity and the competitiveness of its local businesses. Yet many worry that the current account deficit, which is nearing one trillion dollars, or 7 percent of GDP, is unsustainable. The country's current account deficit (CAD) narrowed to 2% of GDP, or $14.3 billion, in the first quarter of the current financial year from 2.3% of GDP, or $15.8 billion, reported during the . Current account surplus, when a country revenue from abroad exceed the expenditure abroad.It is all opposite of current account deficit, however, there is a important note to take into account. d) the current account must run a surplus. For example, during the lost decade of Japan in 90s and early 00s, they mainly had a large current account surplus. tight fiscal policy/higher taxes) Supply side policies to improve the competitiveness of domestic industry and exports. The success or otherwise of a devaluation in terms of reducing a current account deficit depends on the Marshall Lerner condition. A current account surplus increases a nation's net foreign assets by the amount of the surplus, and a current account deficit decreases it by that amount. The US may want to reduce its current account deficit, but doing so may be more harmful than having a deficit in the first place. The appropriate expenditure-switching policy to correct a current account surplus is: a. Dealing with Current Account Deficit. July 21, 2020 (MLN): Pakistan's Current Account Deficit (CAD) during FY20 has shrunk by 78 percent YoY to $2.96 billion which is 1.1% of GDP, compared to a deficit of $13.43 billion in FY19 which was 4.8% of GDP. The current account can be expressed as the difference between the value of exports of goods and services and the value of imports of goods and services . b) the balance of payments must be a deficit. If US households or the government reduce consumption (businesses save more than they spend), imports will drop and less borrowing from abroad will be needed to pay for consumption. A country's balance of trade is the net or difference between the country's exports of goods and services and its imports of goods and services, excluding all financial transfers, investments . The country's leaders should create a current account surplus as soon as possible. The account by which the money coming into a nation is more than the money going out in a particular time frame. Current Account Surplus: A current account surplus is a positive current account balance, indicating that a nation is a net lender to the rest of the world. Correcting a Current Account Surplus and Global Trade Imbalances. For example, to reduce the current account surplus by 1 percentage point, a 12 percent depreciation is needed. These same concerns surfaced again in the late 1990s and early 2000s as the current account went from a surplus of $4 billion in 1991 to a deficit of $666 billion in 2004. However, its composition has changed significantly. Current Account - It deals with current, ongoing, short term transactions like trade in goods, services (invisible) etc. The ratio for current account deficit as a percentage of GDP for India stands at 2.4%. Germany is the 4th biggest economy in the world, using the GDP in current prices. In the short term, the current account could be at a deficit as a result of buying goods, yet overtime the deficit can increase due to the interest payments on the capital surplus (Economics Online, 2012). For example, if the United States has a $300 billion trade deficit with China, but owns enough companies in China that they receive $100 billion worth of dividends each year, then the United States . This means that consumption taxes—like those that nearly all other countries in the world . Germany must reduce its current-account surplus. This - ceteris paribus - might lead to the external value of the currency falling. In a free-floating system, this is called a depreciation. A current account surplus means an economy is exporting a greater value of goods and services than it is importing. But how can China effectively reduce its current-account surplus? The current account can either be in surplus or deficit. Bruegel scholar Zsolt Darvas explains the pressure on Germany to lift internal demand on the day that the European Commission will present its report on EU imbalances. A current account surplus could lead to lower domestic employment if: In Q21. They argue further that this is most effectively done by increasing "public" saving-that is, by reducing the budget deficit. It stands to reason that Germany cannot simultaneously reduce its current-account surplus and continue to extend loans to other countries that have run deficits, and failed to maintain fiscal discipline. Contractionary monetary policy b. Expansionary fiscal policy These accounts generally balance, since a current account deficit—the trade deficit—results in a corresponding financial account surplus as foreign capital and investment flows into the . It has cost us dearly. (a) Describe what is meant by a current account surplus. Nowadays, some people recommend restrictions on imports from China (and other countries) to reduce the American current account deficit. [6] D the removal of limits on bank lending . imported computers for government offices (1). (i) There are many reasons for this situation. The key issue facing India is to sustain high growth with low inflation, and dealing with its Current Account Deficit (CAD). China's exports have resumed their robust growth since last year. My guess is that without a 10% of GDP (or more) 'augmented' fiscal deficit, China would also run a substantial surplus." Hence, if the Chinese government would stop directing investments to the extent it is doing currently, for example in the case it starts fiscal tightening, China's . Everything you need regarding the causes and consequences of a country running a Current Account SurplusFor Products, Services and B. Jan Behringer, Till van Treeck and Achim Truger 11th February 2021. Policies to reduce a current account deficit involve: Devaluation of exchange rate (make exports cheaper - imports more expensive) Reduce domestic consumption and spending on imports (e.g. Current account surplus may happen when the economy is in a recession, people in the country may not want to buy many products , including imports. C the removal of government subsidies to producers . If domestic demand is still relatively strong, but consumers are buying domestic goods, rather than importing. answer choices . a country with a current account surplus will have surplus foreign exchange it can use to invest in other countries. b) decrease. As the real value of the dollar rises, the balance on current account is likely to. [4] (c) Analyse how education and subsidies can increase a country's economic growth rate. reduce their current account surplus by importing more goods than they export. Jul 21, 2017 Hans-Werner Sinn. 4. account of the balance of payments. Option C is correct, perfect. As a result, external demand for China's exports will be strong. But not all countries can run a surplus; one country's surplus is another's deficit. It helps with an increase in reserves which is critical for maintaining financial and external sector stability.. Evaluate the effectiveness of the policies to correct a persistent current account deficit. I.e reduce the Trade surplus Three ways to reduce the trade deficit are: Consume less and save more. Consequently, it is a net lender. (b) Discuss whether changing the exchange rate or imposing tariffs is the better way of. A useful lens through which to view current account balances is the GDP accounting identity: Y=C+I+G+ (X-M) (Y=GDP or income, C=consumption, I=investment, G=government spending, X=exports and M=imports) This identity can . More recently Japan's current surplus has averaged 3.3% of GDP since 2000. A country with a current account deficit has more value flowing out of it. China's current account surplus and inflation. If over some period the official reserve balance is falling, then the country is running a balance of payments deficit. Positively, in both USD terms and percentage of GDP terms, the CA deficit is at a 5-year low, a report by Topline Securities said. expenditure switching policies, . The World Bank predicts a 3.5 per cent growth rate for the world economy this year, and most analysts also predict that the US economy will grow at a similar rate. The Current Account Deficit and the Balance of Payments Hence, a rising current account deficit leads to an increased supply of a nation's currency in the foreign exchange markets. Currency devaluation c. Expansionary monetary policy d. Contractionary fiscal policy 12. Within three years, the surpluses jumped from 3.5 per cent of GDP in 2004 to 10.8 per cent in 2007. Tags: Question 32 . One way the government could take measures in order to decrease the deficit is by lowing the exchange rate. The balance of payments situation has improved post-liberalization; Select the correct answer using the codes given below: a) 3 only. When a country has a current account surplus, it is exporting capital to the rest of the world. Jan Behringer. The data for October showed the current account was . 7'"V Since 2000 therefore, in the currency falling education and subsidies can increase a country always a. May be seen how to reduce current account surplus sign of economic health and international competitiveness Products, Services and.! Savings glut & quot ; among America & # x27 ; s economic growth rate not match,... Indicate an unbalanced economy that consumption taxes—like those that nearly all other countries to! State benefits ( 1 ) e.g identified in choices a and B. dig a big and... Speak of a & quot ; among America & # x27 ; s trading partners for this situation caused!, this is particularly a Problem then the country is running a balance of payments GDP for stands! 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