Automotive Cluster Bulgaria opened a training center


In February Automotive Cluster Bulgaria in cooperation with FESTO Didactic and SMC opened a training center which will offer courses on a professional level and at attractive prices. The aim of the training center is to offer trainings oriented towards the industry and enable creation of groups for closely specialized trainings mainly in the technical field. The training center offers an excellent opportunity for SMEs to train their staff without being obliged to cover the costs for minimum participants upon group creation for the specific courses. The good news for large enterprises is that they can take advantage of the flexible schedule by training a smaller number of employees on a regular basis and thus keeping the normal manufacturing process.

The trainings are in 3 directions:

  • soft skills
  • methodologies (FMEA, Lean manufacturing, etc.)
  • technical competences (hydraulics, pneumatics, etc.)

The trainings include a practical part and the trainers are representatives of the industry having wide experience in the respective sphere. By creating a training package, which consists of the three categories, a significant improvement of the trained employees’ qualification is reached, so that companies hiring lower qualified employees (because of lack of qualified professionals on the market), can quickly and easily improve their qualification to the necessary level.

The trainings will be held in English or Bulgarian. Please check out the training schedule at