Engineering Review and Automotive Cluster Bulgaria are preparing a comprehensive overview, dedicated to the automotive industry in Bulgaria


For its popular section “In focus” the magazine of the Bulgarian industry – Engineering Review, in partnership with Automotive Cluster Bulgaria, is preparing a comprehensive market and technology overview, dedicated to the automotive industry in Bulgaria.

The reason to draw the attention of the numerous specialized audience of the edition towards this branch is its extremely dynamic development over the past few years, mediated by the active penetration of new technologies, foreign investments and global companies in Bulgaria and the implementation of increasingly high-tech manufacturing practices in the automotive industry in our country.

In its two upcoming issues (7/2015 и 8/2015) Engineering Review will highlight what is most interesting and recent in the sector in terms of product innovations, technological trends, business models, and development prospects, implemented and future investments. The editorial will present the leading manufacturers in the automotive industry in the country, as well as the most prominent providers of solutions in this field.

The article in two parts aims to introduce the readers to the largest and most interesting companies in the sector, based in Bulgaria, the manufacturers of products and components for this area, and the most advanced production facilities in the country. Established suppliers of equipment, materials, technologies, products and services for this branch will also be provided with the opportunity to participate in the overview.