GIVE Project Privacy Statement


Data Protection Notice for Respondents

The present Data Protection Notice for Participants describes how Green ICT Development – GIVE, a project funded by the European Commission under the COSME program, collects, processes and shares your personal information gathered for purposes of project implementation. The Sign Up form is provided and disseminated by the GIVE Consortium partners, coordinated by Foundation Cluster Information and Communication Technologies (ICT Cluster Bulgaria) as leader of the Consortium. The present privacy policy is provided pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”).

Who is the data controller? The controller of data is Foundation Cluster Information and Communication Technologies (ICT Cluster Bulgaria) and members of the Green Ict deVElopment – GIVE Project consortium

What personal data do we collect and process? During the Sign Up form dissemination process you may provide personal data such as email and organization you are a part of.

How long will we keep your personal data? Your personal data are kept as long as follow-up actions to the project are needed. In particular:
– For a period of 3 years after the closing of project activities.
– Until the end of a possible audit if one started before the end of the period mentioned above.

Recipients of data
Partners and Affiliates
– We may share your data with any partner to the Consortium, as well as with its affiliates – companies that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with any of the Consortium’s Members. These entities may receive your information only to the extent necessary for the proper execution of the project implementation and activities, or for the administration of the project. Users’ personal data will neither be communicated to a third party outside the consortium, nor anyhow processed for marketing or profiling related purposes.

Parties when required by Law
There may be instances when we disclose your information to other parties in the following circumstances:
– To comply or respond to the ruling law or legal process
– To protect the legal rights of the Green ICT Development GIVE Project Consortium, partners and later affiliates.
– On a request for cooperation by a government entity, whether or not legally required
– Administration of the project and share the results thereof with the European Commission or any other public authority to which the Consortium and its members has to report.

Other parties in Aggregated Form
– We may use the gathered and shared data with third parties in a non-personal or aggregated form.

Your rights on your personal data
– The right of access (Article 17) and the right to rectify your personal data (Article 16).
– The right to object (Article 22) and restrict the processing of your personal data (Article 18) and ask that it be deleted (Article 17). Based on your written request we will make a decision.
– The right to data portability (Article 20)

Exercising you rights
– You may contact us via email at in order to assert your rights as described within the EU GDPR.