British Drivers Embrace Soft Tops as Summer Finally Arrives, Auto Trader Reports

  • Mercedes-Benz GLC emerges as the UK’s fastest-selling used car, taking just 11 days to sell
  • Convertibles make a comeback in Top 10 fastest sellers with improved weather conditions
  • Selling speed highest in Scotland, slowest in London

27th June 2024 – The British summer has reignited interest in convertibles, according to new data from Auto Trader.

Data reveals that Mercedes-Benz C-Class convertible (petrol, 3-5 years) and Mazda MX-5 RF (petrol, 3-5 years) are selling within an average of 16 days. This marks their first appearance among the top sellers for this year after experiencing the wettest Spring since 1986.

Despite this resurgence, demand for convertibles is down by 5.6% compared to last year’s record-breaking hot June. Cooler temperatures due to an Arctic jet stream have impacted sales.

SUVs continue dominating the market with a significant increase of 27% over last year. Leading the pack is the Mercedes-Benz GLC (diesel, aged 1-3 years), which sells on average within just 11 days—three times faster than the national average of 29 days. SUVs generally take around 27 days to sell.

Overall consumer demand remains robust as used cars now sell three days quicker than they did last June. Auto Trader’s platform saw approximately an additional million visits last month alone—a rise of about13% year-on-year.

Volume models currently take around28days while premium marques linger slightly longer at30days.Middle-agedusedcars(aged3–5years)sellfastestin26dayscomparedto35daysofthoseunderayearold.Thisislikelyduetodiscountsnewcarsoffer,specificallyelectricvehicles.Average discounts on brand-new cars increased from6 .4 %to8 .8 %,withnearly80 %ofnewcarshavingdiscountsavailable. p >

< pstyle = ” text – align :left ; “>Regionally ,Scotland leadsinaverage sale speedat24 day s,fivedaysfasterthanthenationalaverageand eightday saheadofLondonwhereit takes32 daystosellacar.< / p >

< pstyle = ” text – align :left ; “>Richard Walker ,AutoTrader’s Data & Insights director commented,“The pace at which used cars move off forecourts reflects market strength.Ourdataindicatesaveryhealthyusedcarmarketheadingintosummer.Detailedanalysisrevealsconvertiblemodelsareperformingwell despitetheoveralltrend.” p >

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