Goodwood Unveils Seven Classes for Festival of Speed’s Cartier Style et Luxe, Celebrating Automotive Design and Anniversaries

  • Cartier Style et Luxe Classes Announced for the Prestigious Festival of Speed
  • Seven unique classes to showcase a range of vehicles from vintage tractors and beach cars to the iconic Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost
  • The Festival of Speed runs from Thursday, July 11 to Sunday, July 14. Limited tickets available for Thursday at

Goodwood is thrilled to reveal the seven classes for this year’s Cartier Style et Luxe at the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard. This event, renowned as one of the world’s finest concours d’elegance, will feature an array of stunning vehicles that celebrate exceptional automotive design and restoration.

Vintage Tractors
For the first time since its inception in 1995, vintage tractors like Porsche AP18 and Lamborghini 2R will be showcased on the Lawn, highlighting their agricultural prowess and mechanical beauty.

Bugatti Type 57
Celebrating its 90th anniversary, a collection of Bugatti Type 57s will be displayed. These elegant Grand Tourers exemplify Jean and Ettore Bugatti’s luxurious vision with models built by Corsica, Figoni, and Atalante.

Beach Cars
A rare collection of beach cars spanning Meyers Manx’s history will grace this year’s festival. The celebration continues at Goodwood Revival in September with over 100 beach buggies parading on track.

Silver Ghosts
In honor of Rolls-Royce’s 120th anniversary, a class dedicated to pre-1926 coach-built Silver Ghosts designed by Arthur Milliner among others will highlight these luxury icons’ legacy.

Marcello Gandini
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Honoring oneofautomotive industry ‘ s most legendary designers , two classeswillcelebrate late MarcelloGandini ‘ s career . Expectto see creationslikeLamborghiniMiura , Renault Turbo , MaseratiKhamsin AlfaRomeoMontreal .
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Markingthe25 thanniversaryofthePagani Zonda , agroupofsensationalmodelsincludingC12 ’ s roadstersone-offdesignswillshowcaseHoracioPagani’ stimelessfighter-jetaestheticthatpropelledbrandtotheforefrontofsupercarworld .
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Thisyear ’ sCartierStyleetLuxeLawnhostssomeofthemostvariedfascinatingclasseseverseenattheFestivalofSpeedwithaselectionofexpertjudgescritiquingclassicuniquevehiclesonSundayafternoon .
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Furtherannouncementsabout2024FestivalofSpeedpresentedbyMastercardwillbemadeinthecomingweeks . FridaySaturdaySundayticketsaresoldoutwithThursdayticketsremainingat good wood . com <
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