London’s Enfield Borough launches charging pilot project


The Enfield London Borough Council has launched a through-pavement EV charging channel pilot. The Kerbo Charge system involves a gulley being cut into the pavement outside homes, allowing residents to charge their EVs on the street from their own supply, which the initiators point out is five to ten times cheaper than charging using a public charging station, assuming off-peak charging pricing.

Enfield’s new pilot project is funded by residents, and Enfield is the first local authority in London to trial the innovative Kerbo Charge technology after successful trials “in several towns and cities across the UK.”

“We are delighted to be working with Kerbo Charge on such a ground-breaking trial which is the first of its kind for a London borough,” said Cabinet Member for Transport and Waste at Enfield Council, Cllr Rick Jewell, adding: “I hope the pilot scheme is a huge success, as it will encourage those thinking of purchasing an EV to do so, as the cost-effective technology will provide residents with a safe and convenient way to charge their vehicles and contribute towards a greener Enfield.”,,