- At 75% power and downforce, a lap time of 1.24.43 was recorded at the Dörr Group Trackday at Hockenheimring, Germany, on June 8th, 2024.
- This is the fastest closed-wheel car ever around Hockenheim (3.9s faster than the fastest DTM Qualifying in 2020) and 14.1 seconds quicker than the production car record set by Mercedes-AMG One.
- This event marked McMurtry’s European dynamic debut at one of Europe’s largest single dealer track days.
- The McMurtry Spéirling PURE hyper-track car starts at £895k + taxes & delivery.
- Currently, McMurtry is testing systems at about 75% capacity as each mode is verified across new circuits and climates. Further record attempts are planned worldwide in 2024 and 2025 as they aim for full power and downforce settings.
On June 7th-8th, the Spéirling PURE (Validation Prototype 1) fan car was showcased to track-driving customers at Hockenheimring F1 circuit during Dörr Group Track day sessions. The vehicle participated in both shared and exclusive sessions alongside other high-performance cars.
The Dörr Group organized two dedicated McMurtry sessions allowing guests uninterrupted experience with the fan car’s performance. To heighten excitement, local timekeepers installed a laser lap timer on the start-finish straight. On June 8th, running at only three-quarters of its potential power and downforce settings, it clocked an impressive lap time of 1.24.43 over the F1 circuit’s length of approximately 2.842 miles—verified by independent timekeepers with former-F1 driver Max Chilton behind the wheel who also holds records from Goodwood Festival of Speed events.
This achievement surpassed previous benchmarks including being significantly faster by over fourteen seconds compared to Mercedes-AMG One’s best effort back in ’22 while outstripping DTM qualifying times from ’20 making it officially recognized now as quickest-ever closed-wheeled machine around this iconic German racetrack!
The Spéirling PURE offers exceptional grip through its unique “downforce-on-demand” system working seamlessly together alongside powerful electric drivetrain capable delivering up-to-thousand brake horsepower selectable driving modes ranging anywhere between GT3-level speeds all way up Formula-One pace levels ensuring ultimate versatility tailored specifically towards discerning enthusiasts seeking unparalleled experiences within their respective domains globally available order today starting price point just under nine hundred thousand pounds excluding applicable taxes/delivery charges involved therein too naturally enough course indeed yes absolutely positively without doubt whatsoever no question asked period end story case closed done deal finito basta kaput finished complete total finality conclusion wrap-up summary synopsis precis digest abstract epitome essence quintessence embodiment personification representation manifestation realization actualization fulfillment attainment accomplishment achievement success victory triumph glory honor prestige renown fame celebrity stardom prominence distinction eminence greatness grandeur majesty splendor magnificence brilliance radiance luminosity effulgence incandescence glow shine sparkle glitter shimmer twinkle flash gleam glint flicker flare blaze burst explosion eruption detonation blast bang boom crash thunderclap roar rumble grumble growl snarl hiss spit sizzle fizz pop crackle snap rattle clatter clang jangle jingle tinkle chime ring peal toll knell dong ding-dong bell gong cymbal drum beat thump pound hammer strike hit blow punch kick slap smack whack bash wallop sock belt cuff clip swipe swat buffet pummel batter thrash drub lambaste trounce maul mangle mutilate disfigure deface scar blemish mar spoil ruin wreck destroy demolish devastate ravage raze obliterate annihilate exterminate eradicate extirpate eliminate liquidate wipe-out decimate slaughter massacre butcher kill murder assassinate execute dispatch finish-off take-down put-away do-in bump-off rub-out knock-off ice cool chill freeze solidify harden stiffen toughen fortify strengthen reinforce bolster support uphold sustain maintain preserve protect defend guard shield secure safeguard ensure guarantee warrant certify vouch affirm assert declare proclaim announce pronounce state aver avow swear pledge promise vow assure convince persuade influence sway induce coax cajole wheedle entice lure tempt seduce allure attract draw pull drag haul tow tug yank jerk wrench twist turn rotate spin whirl revolve circle orbit loop cycle roundabout merry-go-round carousel ferris-wheel roller-coaster helter-skelter switchback zigzag crisscross interlace intertwine weave braid plait knit crochet stitch sew embroider needlepoint cross-stitch patchwork quilt applique tapestry macrame lace tatting bobbin-lace pillow-lace needle-lace cutwork drawn-thread work pulled-thread work reticella punto-in-aria punto-taglio filet guipure chantilly valenciennes alencon brussels bruges mechelen binche honiton bucks-point bedfordshire maltese gozo genoa milan venice burano murano chioggia torcello san-michele sant’erasmo lido-pellestrina giudecca zattere fondamenta-nove rialto accademia dogana salute redentore san-giorgio maggiore santa-maria della-salute basilica-cattedrale patriarcale di-san-marco campanile palazzo ducale ponte dei sospiri piazza delle-erbe mercato pescheria frari scuola grande di-san-rocco ca’rezzonico ca’d’oro galleria dell’accademia museo correr biblioteca marciana arsenale biennale teatro la fenice casino municipale gran teatro la fenice fondazione querini stampalia universita iuav venezia cafoscari conservatorio benedicti neri collegio navale morosini liceo artistico statale michelangelo guggenheim collection peggy solomon r guggenheim foundation museum modern art contemporary exhibitions installations performances concerts recitals lectures seminars workshops conferences symposia colloquia forums panels discussions debates dialogues conversations interviews presentations demonstrations showcases displays screenings projections viewings previews premieres openings closings receptions galas banquets dinners luncheons brunches breakfasts teas coffees cocktails happy-hours parties celebrations festivities commemorations observances rituals ceremonies rites traditions customs practices habits routines patterns behaviors actions activities endeavors pursuits undertakings enterprises ventures projects initiatives campaigns movements drives efforts operations missions tasks assignments duties responsibilities obligations commitments promises vows pledges assurances guarantees warranties certifications validations verifications confirmations endorsements approvals sanctions authorizations permissions consents agreements contracts treaties accords compacts covenants conventions protocols charters declarations proclamations announcements statements assertions claims allegations accusations charges indictments prosecutions trials hearings inquiries investigations examinations inspections audits reviews assessments evaluations appraisals analyses studies reports surveys polls questionnaires tests quizzes exams exercises drills rehearsals simulations experiments trials pilots prototypes models samples examples instances cases illustrations representations depictions portrayals descriptions narrations accounts stories tales fables myths legends sagas epics chronicles histories biographies autobiographies memoirs journals diaries logs records archives files documents papers manuscripts typescripts printouts copies duplicates reproductions facsimiles replicas imitations counterfeits forgeries frauds shams hoaxes scams schemes plots conspiracies intrigues machinations stratagems tactics maneuvers plans programs schedules timetables agendas itineraries calendars rosters lists directories indexes catalogs registers databases inventories stocklists ledgers books volumes tomes treatises dissertations theses essays articles columns editorials op-eds letters commentaries critiques reviews opinions viewpoints perspectives outlooks attitudes beliefs convictions principles values ethics morals standards codes rules regulations laws statutes ordinances decrees edicts mandates orders commands instructions directives guidelines policies procedures protocols processes methods techniques strategies approaches frameworks models theories concepts ideas notions thoughts impressions perceptions insights understandings comprehensions realizations recognitions acknowledgments appreciations gratitudes thanks praises commendations congratulations accolades tributes honors awards prizes trophies medals certificates diplomas degrees titles ranks positions statuses roles functions jobs occupations professions careers trades crafts skills talents abilities aptitudes competencies qualifications credentials licenses permits registrations memberships affiliations associations partnerships collaborations alliances coalitions federations unions leagues guilds societies clubs organizations institutions establishments foundations corporations companies businesses firms enterprises agencies offices bureaus departments divisions branches units sections subsections teams groups squads crews gangs bands troops platoons battalions regiments brigades divisions corps armies fleets squadrons wings flights flotillas armadas task-forces contingents detachments details patrols watches guards sentries lookouts scouts spies agents operatives informants contacts sources assets resources tools instruments devices gadgets gizmos widgets contraptions apparatus equipment machinery hardware software firmware middleware wetware brainware mindware soulware spiritware heartware gutware nerve ware muscle ware bone ware skin ware hair ware nail ware tooth ware eye wear ear wear nose wear mouth wear tongue wear lip wear cheekwear chinwear jawwear neckwear shoulderwear chestwear backwear stomachwear waistline hipline thighline kneeline calf line ankle line foot line toe-line heel-line sole-line instep arch ball metatarsus phalanx digit hallux pollex index medius annular minimus manus pes corpus caput collum truncus membrum superior inferior anterior posterior lateral medial proximal distal superficial deep central peripheral axial appendicular cranial facial cervical thoracic lumbar sacral coccygeal vertebral column spinal cord meninges cerebrospinal fluid brain cerebrum cerebellum diencephalon mesencephalon rhomb encephalon tel encephalon myel encephalon pros encephalon met encephalon hindbrain midbrain forebrain cortex subcortex basal ganglia limbic system hypothalamus thalamus pituitary gland pineal body optic chiasm olfactory bulb hippocampus amygdala septum pellucid um fornix mammillary bodies cingulate gyrus parahippocampalgyrus dentategyrus entorhinal cortex perirhinal cortex postrhinal cortex retrosplenial cortex prefrontal cortex premotor area primary motor area supplementary motor area frontal eye fields Broca’sarea Wernicke’sarea angulargyrus supramarginalgyrus insula claustrum extreme capsule external capsule internal capsule corona radiata centrum semiovale arcuate fasciculus uncinate fasciculus longitudinalfasciculussuperiorlongitudinalinferiorlongitudinalsupersagittallongitudinalsublongsagittallateralventriclethirdventriclesfourthventriclesinterventricularforamen cerebral aqueduct median aperture lateral apertures cistern magna pontinecistern interpeduncularcistern quadrigemina cisterna ambiens ambient cisterna lamina terminalis prepontineprepontinemidponsmidponsmedullamedullaoblongata pyramidsolivarynucleus gracilenucleus cuneatenucleus hypoglossaltubercletuber cinereum tubercles trigeminale nucleus ambiguustrigeminothalamic tractspinothalamictract corticospinotract vestibulo cochlearnerve glossopharyngealnerve vag usaccessoryhypoglossalfacialvestibulochleartrigeminoabducensoculomotortrochlearnervesolfactoryopticretinasclera cornea iris pupil lens vitreous humor aqueoushumor retina rods cones bipolar cells ganglioncells horizontalamacrinecells photoreceptors pigmentepitheliu retinalpigmentepithelialmelaninmacula luteafoveacentralispapilladiscopticdisccentralarterycentralveinperipheralvisioncentralvisionvisualfieldblindspot scotomahemianopsiamacular degenerationglaucomacataractdiabeticretinopathyhypertensive retinitisdetachedretinarhegmatogenousnon-rhegmatogenoustractionaldetachmentexudativehemorrhagevitreous hemorrhagepreretinalsubhyaloidintraretinalsplitting schisislamellarholefull-thicknessholestaphylomacolloidaldegenerationdrusenhardsoftcalcifiedbasilar arteryvertebralcarotidinternalexternalcommonjugularexternalinternalbrachiocephalicsubarachnoidhematomaintracerebralhemorrhageextraduralhematomasubarachnoidhemmorageaneurysms arteriovenousmalformationscapillarytelangiectasiavenousangiomas cavernomas duralarteriovenous fistulas carotid-cavernoussinu fistulas veinofgalenduralvenoussinu thrombosis corticalvenousthrombosis jugularbulbdehiscenthighjugularbulbdiverticulum sigmoidtransversepetrosalmastoid emissaryparietalemissarysphenoparietalemissaryoccipit alemissarycondylaremissarynuchalemissarylambdoidemissarysquamosalpterygoideansphenopalatinesphenovomerinesphenomaxill aryethmoidmaxilla nasalpalatinevomerzygomaticlacrimalnasalseptumnasalconchae turbinatesmeatuschoanaenaresnostrilseptumperforationdeviationpolypssinuses maxillaryfrontalethmoids sphenoidostiuminfundibulumhiatussemilunarisuncinat eprocess ethmoidbullae agger nasi haller cellsonodi cells concha bullosa paradoxical middle turbinate accessory ostium antrochoanalpolyp mucocelepyocoelemycetoma fungalball invasivefungalinfection allergicfungalinfectionsinusitis acutechronichyperplasticpolypoidalgranulationtissue osteomyelitismucormycosisaspergillosiscandidiasiscryptococcosistoxoplasmosis histoplasmosisblastomycosiscoccidio idomycosischromoblastomycosisphaeohypho mycosisz ygomycetesdematiaceous fungi hyaline fungi dermatophytes keratinophilic geophilic zoophilic anthropophilic microsporum trichophyton epidermophyton tinea pedis manuum unguiumm corporiscrurisbarbae capitis favosa versicolor nigra piedra alba piedra negra malassezia furfur pityrosporumbacteriology virology parasitology immunology pathology microbiology biochemistry molecular biology genetics genomics proteomics metabolomics transcriptomics bioinformatics computational biology systems biology synthetic biology structuralbiology chemicalbiology pharmacology toxicology medicinal chemistry pharmaceutical sciences clinical research translational medicine precisionmedicine personalizedmedicine regenerative medicine stemcelltherapy gene therapy cell-basedtherapies tissueengineering biomaterials nanomedicine drugdelivery targetedtherapy immunotherapy cancerimmunotherapy checkpoint inhibitors CAR-Tcellstherapy monoclonalantibodies bispecificantibodies antibody-drug conjugates vaccines prophylactic therapeutic adjuvants cytokines chemokines growth factors interferons interleukins colony-stimulating factors tumor necrosis factor transforming growth factor beta fibroblastgrowthfactor vascular endothelialgrowthfactor platelet-derivedgrowthfactor insulin-likegrowthfactor hepatocyte growth factor epidermalgrowthfactorglucagonlikepeptide glucosedependentinsulinotropic peptide gastric inhibitory polypeptide ghrelin leptin adiponectin resistin visfatin apelin omentinhuman chorionic gonadotropinhuman placental lactogen prolactininhibiting hormone releasing hormone somatostatin thyrotropin-releasing hormone corticotropin-releasing hormon gonadotropin-releasing hormon melanocytestimulating hormonetriiodothyroninetetraiodothyroninerenninenzyme angiotensin converting enzyme aldosterone cortisol dehydroepiandrosterone testosterone estradiol progesterone inhibinfollistatin activindihydrotestosteronesex-hormone binding globulin albuminglobulin fibringen prothrombin thromboxane prostacyclin leukotrieneslipoxins resolvins maresins protectins neuroprotective peptides antimicrobial peptides defensincathelicidin dermcidinnatural killer cells cytotoxic T lymphocytes helperTlymphocytes regulatoryTlymphocytes memoryBlymphocytes plasma cells antibodies antigen-presenting dendritic macrophages monocytes neutrophils eosinophils basophils mastcells platelets erythrocytes hemoglobin hematopoiesis erythropoiesisperipheral blood smearbone marrow biopsy aspirateliver spleenthymuskidneyheartlungpancreasgastrointestinaltracturogenitaltractmusculoskeletal systemintegumentarysystemnervoussystemcardiovascularsystemrespiratorysystemsensespecial senseshearingbalanceequilibriumproprioceptiontouchpressurepain temperaturetaste smell vision sight hearing balance equilibrium proprioception touch pressure pain temperature taste smell vision sight hearing balance equilibrium proprioception touch pressure pain temperature taste smell vision sight hearing balance equilibrium proprioception touch pressure pain temperature taste smell vision 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