Posted on 14/04/2023 · Posted in comlex level 1 ethics laws

since then i have lost a good number of people, though i am not fearful i fear that the new converts will not have that boldness to approach me but rather leave the church. Hi Jodie, I am so sorry for the loss of your child and for these other things you have been going through. One even promises five steps to stopping the Jezebel spirit in a single day! A man, a sinner joined the church and she and hers mother clawed hi into their web. I am asking for prayer for a dear friend of mine who has someone with a Jezebel spirit who keeps drawing him in. This teaching makes so much sense. NEW ebook: Crimson Flood (prayer guide for Lent), 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. He is a recovering alcoholic and has many health issues. She and my dad almost ruined my marriage, God blessed me with a good wife who thankfully has stayed by my side. This is very real. It wants to destroy people, churches, and marriages. If that is the case, then you will have to have God deal directly with that person and pray that He supernaturally show them that they really do have this kind of evil spirit operating on the inside of them. It will try to make you feel guilty or ashamed and use your insecurities against you. i am an Apostle and founder of Gods Anointed Ministries South Africa. Pinning this, and referencing when the time arises, if such! I can tell you this from experience. Your email address will not be published. Totally feel more peace now about praying against this some sites have over-Magnified this spirit. The consequences still linger today as I struggle to completely forget the past, forgive my husband truly and let go of the bitterness inside me. 1. Come in the opposite spirit. Thats correct! I prayed for God to reveal it and also the source of it. Writing for JESUS 2023. For God to show you His hand continually at work in the situation. As you know, God gives sinners every opportunity to come clean from blatant sin. The Jezebel spirit is a very strong-willed, powerful, self-righteous, religious, controlling and manipulative spirit. This potentially being the worst. She is remembering her lessons over the years and knows this is a time to rejoice when she meets the enemys attacks with more prayers of Gods promises. Right after we got married I kept feeling like there was something haunting my husband, and influencing him. Until this spirit is fully exposed to the person who has it, and this person is then ready to receive a full deliverance from the Lord, there will be nothing you can really do about it but continue to pray to the Lord that He show this person what the real truth is. The first and MOST IMPORTANT thing to know is that the Jezebel spirit is a false spirit of prophecy. Thats what repent means: that you turn around and go the other way. And the key word is subtle. Still, the spirit exists. One son died of cancer, and a second tried to commit suicide. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought--and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. No matter what you pray and how long you pray, the breakthrough just isn't coming. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought--and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. Discerning and Defeating the Ahab & Jezebel Spirit. Everyone is telling me to divorce my husband and count my losses and move on. Jesus is my attorney and Im Gods vessel. But your anguish can possibly be overwhelming, and as such, it can challenge your judgement. Maybe you know someone who has the Jezebel Spirit, or maybe you have the. But to READ it has put this thing on a whole new level. Please pray for us and for Gods loving outcome soon. Things that were not supposed to happen, but did, or things that were supposed to happen that didn't, which ended up turning out for the better? Just know, the Jezebel spirit is crafty, subtle, and not easily recognized. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10, emphasis mine). My husband and I are dealing with this as well and have for the past 2 years with our almost 18 year who wants to move out as soon as she turns 18 next month. Wonderful. However, across the board, it preys on people with authority. It looks just the way many books describeon the surface. (2 Kings 9:30-33) I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven. He is not open to any counsel from us. Since i now knew the person i confronted the person at church privately and the person denied the fact. Very helpful. Pray for everything in the situation to look JUST LIKE JESUS. Worship Jesus and praise Him for being the Overcomer, the Victor, Mighty Warrior, and Lord of hosts who WINS EVERY TIME. If you see someone who is lukewarm toward God, you ask God to fill them with holy fire and passion for Jesus Christ. I am in a 40 day fast from Sept 1st to October 10th. He wants you to repent and confess your sins to God so you can be forgiventhen go the other way. Right now one of the hardest things for you will be to walk in wisdom. Come out of hiding. I wept when seeing the following scripture come true in her life. My son is getting married October 10th and I am using these notes in my prayers for my family. This spirit wants to engage you and overpower you. This is the missing piece that I needed and I am eternally grateful! A LOT of healing needs to take place. Im just going to list these things briefly, and you can print them off and pray into them. So grateful for your teaching and sharing so freely. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. My mother trashed my credit, took my money so I couldn't get my own place, never supported me. 4. The Jezebel spirit is always motivated by its own agenda, which it relentlessly pursues. There are moments in life where it feels like your prayers are hitting the ceiling. Like. We see this spirit rising in the movement of the women in the United States of America as they fight for abortion rights and the right to rule over the man. A Jezabel spirit, I pray all the time. Needed this, it came at a perfect time too! Very helpful. Intercede for the person to stop its influence in their lives. Confirmation indeed. Be prepared spiritually and mentally when praying against the spirits influence globally or in one person. So, think again: What does Jezebel look like in the church? I have been praying for my baby girls deliverence from this evil. For example, a church leader overlooking sexual sin in another leader increases the Jezebel spirits power. And Jesus will win every time. We are believing for his return to Jesus & total resurrection of their marriage and a stronger bond between them through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Jezebel is a dark spirit and preys upon certain individuals. i have identified the person through prayer and at about 2 Oclock the morning this person appeared in my vision trying to lock me in a steel locker but when i rebuked the person in the name of Jesus the person left. Go read Psalms you may relate to David and his lamenting. Jesus has already won this thing! The hit television series "The Chosen," portrays the moment Jesus was rejected in his hometown in a light that all humans could relate to in our modern world today. Thank you so much for this. If you will begin to pray in accordance with His will, He will muzzle that thing and cast it out. Monies are being stolen, even large amounts from the elderly. This thing is nothing but pure evil and hate, and all it wants to do is attack and kill everything in its sight. As you do, you will see the victory Jesus purchased on the cross manifest in your situation. The name Baal means lord or possessor. According to the Dake Annotated Reference Bible, Baal was the sun-god of Phoenicia, and the supreme deity among the Canaanites and various other pagan nations. So pray these things specifically into your situation: Stand firm. As the outpourings of God are rumbling in nations, the enemy is trying to distract and circumvent God, but the glory is greater than the counterfeit. For a full, detailed explanation on how to deliver someone from demons, please refer to our three main articles titled: Each of these articles will show you how to set someone up for a true deliverance from the Lord. The Lord has entrusted it to you. Literally sing the Name of Jesus in your worship. I had this happen to me. The night my father in law hurt me, it sent me to the emergency room in fear of a concussion. She will turn on the one who refuses to do her will or submit to her (especially if she has been successful in manipulating this person in the past), frequently with a vicious, berating verbal attack aimed at humiliation. Love One Another The Overlooked Commandment. Thank you so much for this teaching. Expect retaliation because this spirit never admits guilt or truly repents. You fight against wicked, spiritual principalities, not flesh and blood. Ive been learning a lot about ungodly soul ties and believe that we are experiencing this with her . The Jezebel spirit will try to infect and contaminate the person it is in so they too will operate with these same kinds of evil traits. Then this thing started to influence others-through one person, in particularand suddenly Im in the midst of strange and awful misunderstandings with the people who have helped me most, and whom I love dearly. She is filled with bitterness and anger and blames me for everything. There is an unholy substitute for every holy thing, but we dont focus on the unholy thing because we cant afford for it to fill our horizon. This was so on time and totally confirmation what the Lord told be yesterdayHe said, Youre battle is with Jezebel. I have a prophetic mantle and work has been very difficult lately due to 2 specific individuals who are moving in a Jezebel spirit and are working together to control a group of about 20 ppl my flesh has been super irritated lately and I even thought about leaving but I am going on a FAST and will pray in the spirit and will refer to your list This was SO HELPFUL and literally CONFIRMATION to what the LORD told me literally yesterday. The quote below by Francis Frangipane explains why. The Jezebelite will assure the woman that it is OK if she is in love, easing the guilt and glossing over any godly conviction the woman might feel. In the first part, I explained what is a Jezebel spirit. This was so much needed. Defend yourself and others using the Word of God as your sword. I speak life to him every day via texts. Is God talking to me. Scripture taken from New King James Version. God bless you. I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. So beloved, if youre dealing with a Jezebel spirit, dont be afraid. Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? Defend yourself and others using the Word of God as your sword. Let it be silenced in the name of all mighty Jesus Christ son of God Amen. Plead the blood of Jesus over every aspect of your home, family, church, and over the specific situation. Because when we intercede, we come in the opposite spirit. It leads people to eat food sacrificed to idols. Pray for the humility of Jesus to be released in every person involved in the situation (Philippians 2:5-11). An evil spirit that cause him to act bipolar, controlling, angry, jealous, chronic lying, blame shifting and manipulative, calling all my family saying that I needed prayer along with a constant terror that I was always going leave him for no reason at all!! She lives in south Florida. Hi Jamie. If you ever come across a person who has this kind of evil spirit on them, and this person is working close with you to some degree, whether it be at the church you attend, the church you work for, your place of employment, or if by chance it be with your very own spouse, the very first thing you must do is go direct to God the Father in prayer and get His direct advice and strategy on how to deal with this thing. Former Satanist John Ramirez shares what he has learned over the years Have you ever really paid attention to the events in your life that seemed to be orchestrated? Hi Benjamin. I need to go over it again and again and make notes. Fasting and praying always helps! Updated October 29, 2022. Worship Jesus in spite of and over that situation. Think about it constantly. I try to stay off of social media because of her intrusiveness. I never went along with their toxicity and what they wanted so I was the one they always dumped on. After reading your post, I really got encouraged and I will keep praying until the Jezebel spirit is defeated. And until Jesus comes back to set up His Millennium Kingdom and throws Satan and all of his demons into the bottomless pit, we are all going to be stuck with this kind of evil spirit being allowed to roam in the air seeking who it is going to try and attack and devour next. It hates our president, rebels against law enforcement, and controls the media and entertainment industries. God wins. Pls God have mercy on us all, For God is Love., I gone through the same at work. But if God does fully expose this kind of evil spirit to the person who has it, and the person is then ready to be delivered from it, you can then do the deliverance like we have shown you in the other articles in the Spiritual Warfare Section of our site. God Bless you Jamie! The spirit gravitates and claims women who hate men. Watching them operate, I understand why the kids are turning out the way they are. Nice and Encouraging . Blessings to you. A Jezebelite usually has a charismatic personality that draws people to other gods and away from Christ. I hope things improve in your situation quickly. Remember, it was the wicked Queen Jezebel who is credited with killing the Lords prophets. We Must Give Ourselves to Prayer Knowing that the greatest battle is spiritual, Brown says, we understand how we must wage war. This is important you must exercise humility to defeat the Jezebel spirit and stop its power. I prayed and the Lord told me the problem and gave me direction. The Jezebel spirit claims people that hold positions mainly in religious and political circles. It contains many stories about how people who have been under this spirits influence have been confronted in love, delivered, healed, and restored. Thats why the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate on these things., I want to make it clear that opposite does NOT mean equally strong.. Also, thank you for the wonderful article. Thankyou Jamie. Get yourself in a place where you are hearing clearly from God. Our #1 priority should be to Seek first the kingdom of God. Thanks so much for sharing. Learn how your comment data is processed. There have been strong lines drawn between Gods prophets and Jezebel. I pray God will widen my understanding and gentleness for a great spirit of humility to come on from the Holy Spirit. Those who are under the influence of someone with a Jezebel spirit will often feel like they can't tell anyone what is happening to them. Hers family rules the choir. What is the "spirit of Jezebel"--and what influence does it have on your life? Thank you, thank you Im praying because of a Jezabel Spirit of whom wants to break up my marriage. Be prepared spiritually and mentally when praying against the spirit's influence globally or in one person. Guided by no principle, restrained by no fear of either God or man, passionate in her attachment to her heathen worship, she spared no pains to maintain idolatry around her in all its splendor. She was the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians. Please pray Gods will over my marriage and my husbands life. Magnify and exalt Jesus in every way in your worship. I bookmarked this page so I can come back to it, but will tweak how I pray for sure. Even the superintendent and pastors.. Thanks for reading. I stopped talking to them all and moved hundreds of miles away to keep them from poisoning my life anymore. How to Defeat the Jezebel Spirit In this video I teach you what you need to know about the Jezebel Spirit. Jezebel is more attracted to the uniqueness of the female psyche in its sophisticated ability to manipulate without physical force.. How To Pray Against the Jezebel Spirit and WIN. I have experienced this spirit for 14 years. Wonderful. Thank u God Bless ?? Thanks a lot!!! Thank you so much! Plus the North Slope. I praise God for this writing! Thank you for this, I struggle between walking in faith and grieving. Thank you for reminding me, that God is ALL powerful and He will have his way in the Court Room 8/7. So you read how to recognize the difference between the Jezebel spirit and the true prophetic. My friends late ex-wife operated under a Jezebel spirit. efforts, and are refreshed by the power of the Holy Spirit. However, they may act repentantly to gain favor. Jamie thanks so much for this it has helped me so much may God continue to bless you always. Develop a magnificent obsession with the Son of God, and focus EXCLUSIVELY on Him. Brenda. Deliverance System For Casting Out Demons on the Inside of a Person Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. I searched for prayers on binding the Jezebel spirits and found this site and have printed out the prayers. This is KEY. Your Trouble Will Be Worth It: My Guest Post On (In)Courage Today! Its like she changed overnight and my daughter and I dont know who she is anymore. The Spirit of Jesus wins every time! Thank you and bless you for freely giving what He has freely given you!! Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. Have you ever seen God fix a situation like that before? I mean REALLY focus on Jesus. Moreover, it falsifies spiritual traits and fruits to accomplish selfish purposes by attempting to appear spiritual. Im so sorry. My personal life is also a mess. God bless you for making this teaching available! Questions a Christian's beliefs, faith, and causes doubts and anxiety in that person. It has always amazed me over the years that this kind of spirit can get very smart and intelligent people to do its evil bidding so easily. God be glorified in this situation & confound the wise. But we go in the name of Jesus and plead the blood! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel: How to Overcome the Spirit o at the best online prices at eBay! This spirit o And when youre in it, you look left, right, and center for direction and maybe even a sign. He tends to be passive. I am blessed with this and will use it to continue in prayer and reading Gods word. According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. A really good song to lift up and exalt Jesus is The Name of Jesus is Lifted High by Eddie James, the live version (feat. This evil spirit has no victory of me or anyone involved. 3. While in the middle of reading this I immediately began to pray and quickly felt the victory. It has deflated the Music Ministry down to about 6 choir members, but Jezebel stands on the floor of Gods house and act as if she is in a nightclub. Nor will those who refuse to tolerate that spirit go unrewarded in this lifetime. This is my time of Redemption and Restoration. Forgive my inexperience and writing style.. The On June 30, 2022, someone named Robert posted this comment on our ministry's YouTube channel: "Why would anyone in the 21st century give a [expletive] what illiterate desert dwellers from 2000 years ago thought about anything?" Thank you for sharing this. Rest assured, beloved, of this truth: God hears and answers your prayers. Along with these traits, the spirit is accusatory and vengeful. I felt like giving up because the battle has been going on so strong, but now I feel empowered to continue to pray with specification. Protect the true sheep! The Lord has brought me much healing and deliverance in the past three years through a beautiful ministry. We used to be very close. Leading Prophetic Voice Reveals New Insight on Defeating an Ancient Evil According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. She brings fear and discouragement against Gods people and discounts the Word of God. This teaching has given me many points to pray about that will cause Jezebel to bow to Christ Jesus. This spirit and the person who is carrying it are toxic, and they will infect and contaminate every person they come into major contact with, as this kind of spirit is an attack dog and will viciously attack anyone who will get too close to it. By symbolically honoring the body and blood of Jesus, you reinforce Gods presence in your life. But, if you are the pastor there, then I pray you would stand up with a spirit of valor and root Jezebel out of your church. 3. If you havent already read them, please be sure to read my articles about how to defeat the Jezebel spirit here and here and here, and also how to win in spiritual warfare. He and He alone is the governmental center of the earth, and He is still in charge. Will I be delivered if I follow the steps you have given me. May His blessings pour out over you to overflowing that you would be freed up to continue what you do to help usher in His mighty Kingdom. Praying for breakthrough with your daughter!! He physically picked me up and slammed my head on the ground. Any 8nsight about this? May God fill you with the Spirit of Christ and help you persist in prayer, Janet! As you do, you will be releasing the true spirit of prophecy over the situation that concerns you and He will muzzle the Jezebel spirit, keep it silent and bind its influence, and drive it out. Could you please clarify? . She had 2-3 hour lunches often with her boss. I know God is almighty and powerful sometimes my thoughts get in the way . Talent vs. Faithfulness: What is God Looking For? My husband is in another state praying these same prayers. My wife and I have been married for 20 years, every four years something major happens and we have arrived once again at that point. 2023 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved. God hates divorce, but at the same time He is not going to allow this kind of evil spirit to run rampant and unchecked in a family environment. Those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds. In fact there were several times where my head was so jumbled up and stressed, but I kept hearing that voice Be still and know that I am God. Hard to do with chaos around, but in doing so my spiritual growth grew leaps and bounds. Have a great day! Its crazy! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Reading this my whole life makes sense now. 4. I will use this and continue in prayer. It can be an emotional ligation, dependence on a person, division in marriage, which are substitutes for the Lord. Didn't have this level of proof it was another one but had my concerns when he automatically involved me in his story and what he said his ancient "ghost but idk." would do to involve me further. Lift up Jesus. Likewise, a Jezebelite is quick to encourage sin. So why then would the rest of the article and modern church focus on worshiping Jesus? Living a life serving God and His purposes isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Use deception or manipulation to get what he or she wants. My son is engaged to a woman with all these attributes. "It begins on our knees," he says. It's my parents and sister who have this spirit and have trapped my brother. I have prayed against every spirit I could think of, except this one. I may open my Bible God saying something and someone send me a texted messages. My husband started being violent, cussing and then even my father in law! Yes! Unfortunately, Jezebel is also running loose in the church and manifests in many local congregations without anyone ever seeing itor confronting it. My husband and I have been dealing with this Spirit in our almost 18 year-old daughter for the past 2 years and only recently has the Holy Spirit guided me to learn about this spirit. If Jezebel were obvious, no one would be fooled. First let me say I am so sorry you are going through this. If you are in a relationship with someone with this spirit, they have to be confronted in the place of prayer. Please share. Amen! Jamie. Thank You So Much for posting what the Lord showed you! The Holy Spirit is working through you in a mighty way. Please pray for me, I am under attack! Just read your post on the Jezebel spirit which was operating in one of my former tenants. I have asking for a revelation on what was attacking our church. Thank you for this article. hi,i wanted to say that YES there is nothing greater than Jesus..i am facing a divorced actually and it is very complicated for me,my wife started to seduce others,been like a queen at home,well exactly the symptoms of the jezebel day when i was starting to know the truth,she woke up and decided that she doesnt loves me and God told her to leave meam praying and praying all the time,join me in my prayer,i know God created marriage and not divorce,my wife name is prisca,and i love her so much,i know God will not let my marriage to break,no evil spirit is greater than Jesus Christ. Breakthrough just is n't always sunshine and rainbows going through may act repentantly to gain favor for what... Blames me for everything fast from Sept 1st to October 10th and I know... 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